Table Rock Lodge 680 A.F. & A.M
Kimberling City - Missouri

Want to learn more about Freemasonry? Hear what Benjamin Franklin has to say about the Fraternity

Are you interested in becoming a Freemason? - Are you a male 18 years of age or older? - Do you live in the State of Missouri?

If you answered yes to these three questions, and you desire a Masonic contact, then click on the Contact Form link below and take a couple of minutes and fill out the questionnaire. It will send an e-mail to the webmaster, who will in turn put you in touch with a Missouri Mason who can answer any questions you may have and can set you up with a petition to become a member should you desire to join.

The Missouri Freemason Contact Form

Young men from the age of 8 through 21 should consider

The Missouri DeMolay