
Masonic Lodges in LA District #13

Lodge Name ( # ) City Meetings
Acacia #116Plaquemine, LA2nd Tues. / 4th Tues.
Baker #441Baker, LA2nd Mon. / 4th Mon.
Blazing Star #212Port Allen, LA2nd Thur. / 4th Thur.
Central #442Baton Rouge, LA2nd Mon. / 4th Mon.
East Gate #452Baton Rouge, LA
Feliciana #31Saint Francisville, LA1st Mon. / 3rd Mon.
Fordoche #292Maringouin, LA1st Tues. / 3rd Tues.
Istrouma #414Baton Rouge, LA1st Tues. / 3rd Tues.
Livonia #220New Roads, LA1st Fri. / 3rd Fri.
Lodge of The Nine Muses #9Baton Rouge, LA2nd Wed.
Milford #117Baton Rouge, LA2nd Thur. / 4th Thur.
New River #402Gonzales, LA2nd Mon. / 4th Mon.
Olive #52Clinton, LA2nd Tues. / 4th Tues.
Plains #135Zachary, LA1st Tues. / 3rd Tues.
Slaughter #475Slaughter, LA1st Thur. / 3rd Thur.
St. Albans #28Jackson, LA2nd Mon. / 4th Mon.
St. James #47Baton Rouge, LA1st Thur. / 3rd Thur.
Trinity Union #372Baton Rouge, LA1st Mon. / 3rd Mon.

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