
Masonic Lodges in Henrico County, VA

Lodge Name ( # ) City Meetings
Babcock #322Highland Springs, VA4th Fri.
Civil War Lodge of Research #1865Highland Springs, VA1st Sat. / 2nd Sat.
Fraternal #53Richmond, VA2nd Mon.
Glen Allen #131Glen Allen, VA2nd Tues.
Henrico Union #130Sandston, VA1st Tues.
Joppa #40Richmond, VA1st Thur.
Meridian #284Richmond, VA4th Mon.
Metropolitan #11Richmond, VA2nd Thur.
Richmond #10Richmond, VA1st Tues.
Sandston #216Sandston, VA3rd Thur.
St. John's #36Richmond, VA2nd Tues.
Temple #9Richmond, VA3rd Tues.
Thomas N. Davis #351Richmond, VA4th Tues.
Tuckahoe #347Richmond, VA1st Thur.
Varina #272Richmond, VA3rd Tues.
Virginia Lodge of Research #1777Highland Springs, VA3rd Sat.
Westhampton #302Richmond, VA1st Mon.